Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Now Open!

Hello everyone..

Thanks for dropping by our page! We would very much appreciate your feedback *smiles*. Briefly, this blog "theyuchronicles" is run by these two dots :

Ms Chaya runs the 'dimanakah' blog before and now dah berhenti. She claims that she's found what she's been looking for (yeay! good for her). She's very passionate about art & design, has a very 'in-your-face' sense of humor and you can easily bribe her with coffee *laughs!* Ms Chaya is currently working in the real estate line doing some research stuff for a property consultant firm in KL.

Presidento is a very intelligent manly man and a master of words (*psst* He's a linguist la..). He possess a great sense of humor and very much addicted to Friends the tv series *laughs*! You can find him lepaking at cozy couches on weekends with his fav caramel frapp and that mocha java chip thingie.. lovely!

Stay tuned you guyz and gals!

Yours truly,
