yesterday, there was this ad on the newspaper promoting the idea of 1Mas (Yah. the new thing in town). it tries to send a message to malaysians that we are all like ABC - made up of different and variety of stuff, blend in together in a bowl - to make a splendid ABC that everybody loves. well, i wouldn't disagree on the 'variety and blend' idea, but to say that everybody loves it? hmm...think again. ABC is made up of ice which also means that it is cold. and to some, they cannot take ABC or ice cream or anything that is too cold (that explains why they have Sensodyne in stores). My point is, to say that something is like something, is truely not an easy task. a good research must be carried out on the issue being proposed. the effort is there, but please..be realistic. ABC is made up of so many ingredients and all of them are totally different in shape and colour. i (a little tiny miny dot on this land), would prefer visitors from other countries to see the citizens of this country in one colour. and not in variety. we live as one. therefore we should be recognised as one. not as ABC.
by Presidento
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