There should be a reason to why a certain person acts a certain way. I like to think that way most of the time and when my mood goes away I just ignore - simple.
Today's monday is different. I feel something changing and I can't ask my brain to not think about it. Could it be that I'm wearing yellow? Maybe.
I went to a wedding yesterday. It was a beautiful day, beautiful bride and groom and a typical malay wedding. Just one thought though, why do malay couples get married young? By young I mean just graduated, got a first job, barely can support oneself and let alone a family!
Some of their reply was : family force them to get married (tak bagus couple lama-lama nanti tak sedap dipandang orang) and some say they've found the one (ok that one I can't argue).
Malay culture and habits have always been dependant on what others would think. So does this mean that there are people out there who marry young just to justify how people would look on them? Have they ever thought about how they're going to pay for the loan they took for the wedding? (Maybe their rich parents are paying eh?) What about how many kids they plan to have and the money to support the child's needs and education? (Why need planning? My wife can take care of them!) and the best part that I always hear ; "Dear, you don't have to work just quit your job and take care of the family after we get married." Lovely!
Can someone please justify my thoughts and comment on this?

pic taken from here.
Bila tempoh bulan madu berakhir dan realiti mula menerajang tiap fantasi dan angan-angan, mulalah mereka menyesal dan menyalahkan orang lain.
at one point, it is sincere to say that the malays' culture pretty much play on the notion of "what will others say". but on the one hand, it is (to some extent) unappropriate to question on whether or not they are ready for their big day. perhaps, there are advantages of being rich (where in this case, they can marry their child whenever they want). and for those less fortunate or maybe "financially challenge", it is easier and better to say that they are both insanely in love and couldn't care less of what the society would say. (yah.. so-called Power of Love). oh ya. and to put most of the blame on the groom side; "my wife can take care of them", "dear you don't have to work", is again unfair. when they both agree to be together, we can assume at some point that they have reach an understanding of certain issues. so, why just question on the groom's part? what about the bride? shouldn't she say something?
p/s: the ice cream with banana slices at tony roma's are the BEST. *cheers*
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