Friday, August 21, 2009

a gift of mockery i should thank for

it is indeed undeniably thoughful of you
that i had roses first thing in the morning of
my birth day
for roses were beautiful especially those
red blooming ones from you
while a single petal means a lot
what more a bouquet from the dearest
warmth of your heart
wrapped with silky white papier with that
little cute angel doll in the middle
it was just sweet
and it had a hand-written wish card
filled with words deep down from
your kind-hearted gentle soul
i must say
it was all really sweet

even so
if you must know
and i am sure that i have told you so
that i sincerely never and never will like
for they were the ones who caused the
misery i had since the time i was four
where i witnessed the tragedy - my parents
got hit by a truck near the national park
as i, was playing in the nearby, garden of roses

p/s: again, thank you for the roses and maybe you could
take me to the national park next year, on my birth day

by Presidento


Ms Chaya said...

Plastic roses. *i love 'em*